Safi Field Update -19th October 2012

New projects coming up..............
              Safi Fields Update ..........................................
                                       19th October 2012


Today my Mother and I went to our fields. I wished that my wife would be with us. But at the moment begin my wife could not be part of this project because the air particles will harm her. But some day my wife will be happy coming to see the progress building up.

So what I was saying, we went collecting Carobs Beans, to be sold. We manage to sell 530 kgs of carob beans. Altough the earnings are not sustainable we were happy to collect the money for what we have worked for.

During collecting the carobs under the tree, I noticed that the trees are preparing for the next summer. The tree have new leafs and also new buds for flowers.

  At noon after we have ate some packed lunch, I proposed to place the water tanks, which Jonathan Grech ( Ta' Frida) have given me to harvest roof water in them. Altough the project for water harvest is  at the begining, I have faith that this will help me to sustain my crops.

The tanks were empty thus it would be easy to move them where I like. I have made place near the farmers room , In Maltes we called DWEJRA  , so that I would be easy to tranport free flow the water to the near by crop.
Thanks to my mother help, I have manage to shift the empty water tanks on the ready platform.
At 3.00 pm , I remembered that I have life crop to be planted... Thus I have to work harder so that by 5.00 pm I would be home.. I planted the strawbery, lettuce,  cabbage plants to be cultivated.  The lettuce and the cabbage were protected from the butterfly, by fitting a small net.
Strabery Plant

                                                              Cabbage Plant

                                                              Lettuce Plant
The day was wonderfull, I manage to relax, keep my work problems  at the back of my mind.

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