Green Pepper

The Green Pepper

How to Grow Green Peppers

Bell peppers come in a variety of colors, from yellow to red and even a deep chocolate, but the green bell pepper may be the most popular. Although some bell peppers are green at maturity, the majority of the green peppers consumed are actually immature bell peppers that have not reached their full color yet. Growing green peppers in your home garden will provide you with a supply of these delicious fruits.       

Things You'll Need

  • Bell pepper seedlings
  • Black 5-gallon buckets
  • Water-soluble fertilizer


    • 1
      Purchase bell pepper seedlings at your local nursery. Look for short, stocky plants that have thick stems. Resist the urge to purchase tall plants. These plants have grown tall and leggy because of a lack of light.
    • 2
      Prepare a 5-gallon bucket for each pair of seedlings. Black buckets work best because they draw more heat (light) in the summer sun, but other colors will do if you do not have access to black buckets.
    • 3
      Drill several drainage holes in the bottom of the bucket to allow water to drain from the bottom.
    • 4
      Cover the bottom with several stones to assist drainage.
    • 5
      Fill with soil. Regular garden soil amended with plenty of compost is fine, but an all-purpose potting soil will work well, too.
    • 6
      Remove the seedlings from the flat or peat pot you purchased them in. Gently squeeze the side of the pot with your right hand as you turn the pot over. Place your left hand close to the base of the seedling to hold it as it slips out of the pot. If this doesn't work, gently peel the sides of the pot away from the seedling.
    • 7
      Plant two seedlings in each bucket. Be sure to plant them to the original depth and firm the soil down around them. Space the plants several inches apart to allow the plant to grow.
    • 8
      Set the buckets in an area that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Next to the foundation of the house or on hot top is ideal. The cement or tar will increase the temperature of the soil in the bucket. Peppers thrive in the heat.
    • 9
      Water thoroughly to give your seedlings a good start.
    • 10
      Water with a water-soluble fertilizer designed for vegetables on a regular 10 to 14 day schedule throughout the growing season.

Tips & Warnings

  • Peppers produce better when plants touch each other. If you choose to grow peppers in the ground instead of in buckets, plant them in pairs so that the leaves of the plants touch during growing.
  • Monitor your pepper plants closely for signs of dehydration. Container plants require more frequent watering than those grown in the ground.
  • Pick peppers once they have reached full size, but before they have turned color.
Stuffed Green Peppers



  • 2 green peppers (split, seeds removed)
  • 2 cans of tuna
  • 1 cup rice
  • 2 table spoons olives
  • 2 table spoons capers
  • bread crumbs (use toasted Maltese bread)
  • lemon juice
  • Kapunata
  • Olive oil
  • 1 large Onion (chopped)
  • 4 Potatoes (sliced)
  • salt & pepper
  • fennel seeds


    1. In a seperate pan boil the rice

    For the mixture
    2. In a bowl prepare the mixture of bread crubs, tuna, olives, capers, kapunata, lemon juice, salt and pepper

    3. Add the olive oil

    4. Mix everything together, add the rice and mix well.

    5. Fill peppers with mixture above

    6. In a baking dish, layer the onions and the potatoes

    7. Place the stuffed peppers on top.

    8. Add any remaining potatoes around the edge of the dish

    9. Sprinkle potatoes with fennel seeds, salt & pepper (remember to put some olive oil in the bottom of the dish)

    10. Whilst baking add some water just to cover the bottom of the dish, make sure that the food does not dry up Baking

    11. Cover the dish with some aluminium foil and bake for 30 minutes

    12. Remove foil and Bake for another 30 minutes.

    The filling for the peppers often made use of left over food such as yesterday's kapunata or the toasted Maltese bread. Variants of this recipe include, filling with rice but no bread crumbs, breadcrumbs but no rice, egg beaten with the mixture to make the mixture firmer or omitting the kapuntata.
Difficulty: Easy

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